A few years ago I bought what i thought was the last Colossus figure I would ever need. The Marvel Legends Colossus was big, shiny, and had a great paint wash. This week I found a better one. Once I saw the new Marvel Select Colossus, I could see all the areas where the Legends version fell short. The Select Colossus is bigger, shinier, actually poses better, and best of all, actually looks like the character! You'll see for yourself if you scroll down.
Colossus comes with a spiked wall that is supposed to be part of the Danger Room training area. It looks great, but seems kind of small to be a threat to this big guy and it's probably going straight to storage.

The details on Piotr's clothes are very well done, but if you prefer your Russian mutants topless, feel free to pull off his head and remove the top part of his shirt. For much of the 80's Colossus went shirtless in battle, so this is not all that weird. I think the details are great, but can't get past the abdominal part of the shirt that is not removable, so I will be displaying him with his shirt on.

Now for some fun comparisons. Look at his size compared with in-scale figures of the Hulk, Thor, Juggernaut, & the Legends Colossus below. I'm not sure that he's supposed to be bigger than the Hulk, but I'm sure the Marvel Select Hulk is bigger. The others are pretty right-on though.

Last but not least, the "Fastball Special"! It's pretty cool that there's actually a Colossus figure that can easily lift a Wolverine figure to recreate their signature move.

Nice post for a great figure, thanks for the heads up on him.