I'm in the process of trying to shrink my collection by selling many of my figures on ebay. In this move, I'm trying to make some painful cuts, because if I kept every figure I liked...I wouldn't get rid of any! This is one of the figures I really like, but that just didn't make the cut to stick around.

This is the X-Men Costume Variant Deadpool. I bought him at Toys R Us in a 2-pack with a very cool-looking Thunderbird figure. As much as I like this figure, specifically the sculpting on his mask, he's kind of hard to stand up and I was really hoping to get the classic red & black suit. Therefore, he's outta here. Before he gets shipped out, I had to take some pics first. That is one of the best head sculpts I've seen in a while! Look at the detailed expression on his face even though he wears a mask! Very nicely done.