There have been several Captain America figures released since this one, but none have been as classic as this one. He's really the perfect Cap figure, in my opinion.

Likewise, it's actually hard to find a really good Spidey figure. When I was a kid Spidey was IMPOSSIBLE to find. I would check the toy stores every time I visited my grandmother in the booming metropolis of Wichita Falls, TX, but the best I could find was a Deadpool figure (he kinda looked like Spidey and that was as close as I could get). These days it's the opposite. You can find Spider-man figures anywhere and Deadpool figures will cost you $50! Anyway, this Spidey is a pretty good one. Great sculpt, good articulation, and the webs are actually part of his sculpt, not painted on.

I've been contemplating buying this She-Hulk for about 4-5 years, since she first came out. Shulkie is probably my favorite female comic book character, but her toys have traditionally been awful. This one is dead-on to her current look in the comics, but they gave her a really hard pose to work with. I finally found a really good deal for her on ebay this year though, and couldn't pass it up. Glad I didn't. She's a great figure.